The Inlay Series
The All Inlay Series began as a total experiment-- answering the question, can we really inlay the entire piece and still retain functionality?
Yes we can.
Inlay is the act of cutting individual stones to fit into small compartments--the stones are then "cemented" into place. It's an ancient technique that has been done for generations. The very first piece we did like this was the Linda Lock and I recall making a complicated stone map with precise measurements for the stone cutter so he would know the sizes to fit into the Lock. When I went back to visit several days later the map was in one corner of the room he was working.....he told me he does it all by feel. He didn't need the map. And so began our love affair with inlaying our pieces with stones--sometimes not even precious ones like the case of the Manhattan Lock with stones I find around construction holes in New York City. Or our Fordite pieces of old car paint.
We're not done here--many more experiments on the horizon...but this is our Inlay Series--complex little puzzles that are easy on the eye.