Care Guide

Jewelry’s only job is
to bring people joy.

Taking care of it makes the job easier for us both.

So this is a plea, directly from
jewelry to you, to be its assistant. 

A partner in crime. A caretaker.

Taking care of it makes the job easier for us both.

So this is a plea, directly from
jewelry to you, to be its assistant. 

A partner in crime. A caretaker.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Silver, Gold & Platinum

We enjoy a good wipe-down with 
a polishing cloth, especially when exposed to evil forces like sunscreen 
or heat or alcohol in some cosmetics, even your PH balance (sorry, we’re honest to a fault)


If there’s one thing that matters to me, it’s the state of my skin. I’m highly allergic to perfume and lotion. It eats at my nacre, which is my glowing outer layer. If you take me out on the town often, I should really be restrung once a year.


I am remarkably low maintenance. I am strong. I am practically invincible. Spritz me with some warm water and 
wipe me down. If you really love me, 
you can use a soft toothbrush.


Some of the other pieces think I’m overly sensitive, but really I’m just an artist. My stones — turquoise, opal, lapis, and 
the like, are soft — and I need to be alone. 
I can’t be stacked next to anything. 

I don’t like sports; in fact, I despise them. And I’m a naturalist. No perfumes or lotions, please.


I’m tough. I can handle a lot.  But alcohol (like the kind in perfume) and high-temps make me crack and peel, and that’s not good for anyone. So do me a favor, and keep me cool and dry and give a polishing cloth rubdown every once in a while. That’s it.


A ketchup bath is what keeps me clean. Because I’m really into clean. Into acid(ity). That’s all you need to know.

Don’ water sports with us

Whether a jet ski, a jacuzzi, or even a shower — it’s not a good idea.

Don’t...let us touch

Store us in what we came in or a cozy, 
lined jewelry box. Also be careful how 
you stack us — especially soft stones like emeralds and opals.

Don’t...let us get 
(too) hot

No throwing us in the dryer. No leaving us on the window sill. No baking us in the sun.

Don’t...moisturize us

We are already beautiful enough. Please don’t apply cosmetics, perfume, or lotions of any kind to us.

Don’ with us

Not our thing. It’s dirty. And messy.

In spite of your best efforts, we know you’re going 
to do some of these things to us, so if you need a repair, contact:

That’s their job. Some repairs are free, others are not. We don’t know anything about that, we’re just the jewelry.

...or is it the beginning?

Now you are armed with all of the information you need to take care of us.


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